The Opticap XL and XLT Capsules are now available with Viresolve® NFP Membrane. Offering greater than 98% recovery, the Viresolve NFP membrane’s size-exclusion technology consistently clears parvovirus by a log value of 4. Comprised of patented polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) material, the membrane’s unique pore structure allows for increased flow rates. Available in a variety of connections to match process needs, Opticap XL (In-line) and XLT (T-line) disposable capsule filters are thermal and hydraulic stress resistant, adjustable and easy-to-install, with upstream vents and drain valves. The Opticap XL 10 disposable capsule filters minimize hold-up volume and reduce production losses. The Opticap XLT 10, 20 and 30 disposable T-line capsule filters offer a flexible design that accommodates series or parallel filtration for a wide range of flows.