The DeBEE® Ultra High-Pressure Homogenizers features the company’s Next Generation Emulsifying Cell. The DeBEE design is fully modular and configurable for applications ranging from emulsions and dispersions to cell rupture and liposomes. Viscosities to 100,000 cP, highly abrasive powders, or temperatures to 300° C are easily handled. Laboratory results of a stable emulsion at 30 ml/min after only two passes at 45,000 PSI can be scaled linearly to full production rates of 30 liters/min or more in large microprocessor controlled DeBEE machines. Minimizing the number of passes to achieve nanometer size particles at a narrow D90 distribution, low surfactant use and high product yield percentages are major advantages of DeBEE technology. Cavitation, impact, shear and process duration are all fully adjustable to fit the machine to the product. Proprietary BEE(r) smooth flow sanitary intensifier pumps optimize the results of the emulsifying cell by providing a constant process. Additional features include an on-line spare intensifier pump, dual seals with leak detection, easy CIP, microprocessor monitored alarms and service schedule, and intuitive man-machine interface.