GEA Pharma Systems (GPS) has announced a group restructure and appointments as it embraces a new corporate philosophy to overcome competitive challenges, expand and develop new markets and customers.
As a result of significant recent investments to develop and expand the company’s product portfolio, enhance market penetration and improve its organizational capabilities, GEA has established a leading position as a global supplier of continuous manufacturing solutions for oral solid dosage (OSD) and liquid forms. With ambitious growth plans in place, the company is implementing its One GEA philosophy to capitalise on this dynamic sector and deliver significant benefits to its customers.
To support the initiative of expanding the global GPS network for continuous technologies, a number of important steps have been taken. Comprising five GPS management members, a ConsiGmaTM Steering Committee has been established to manage and co-ordinate the company’s continuous pharmaceutical business units.
As from 1 October 2014, Jan Vugts will assume the role of Director, ConsiGmaTM Technologies and Frans Maas will take on the role of MD of the ‘Centre of Excellence’ in Wommelgem, Belgium. “With the accelerating growth agenda for ConsiGmaTM, it’s time to take our continuous pharmaceutical business — and its built in quality — to the next level,” noted Frans, who will be managing the Centre of Excellence and leading the organisational and business development of the global ConsiGmaTM market. “The investment in this new structure will foster collaboration, accelerate the development of products, processes and solutions and make the business scalable,” added Jan, who will provide high-level technical leadership and drive the current product portfolio.
Further, in addition to his current role as Business Director, India, Navin Lakhanpaul will succeed Frans Maas and become VP Sales & Marketing for GEA Pharma Systems. Navin will look after the company’s global business (except for North America) and commented: “The growth potential for continuous manufacturing is an exciting opportunity, as are the expansion possibilities in both our key markets in Europe and the pharmerging regions. I look forward to developing the business using a combined application and technology based approach and increasing GEA’s global market share.”