NanoEncryption™ technology is an on-dose, multi-layered, brand protection technology that enables manufacturers to trace and authenticate every single dose from plant to patient. NanoEncryption technology possesses intrinsic layered security features at the overt, covert, and forensic level and can be applied directly to tablets, capsules and vial caps. These multi-layered security features enable NanoGuardian to provide a dual-protective benefit to manufacturers with a single technology. The overt and covert security features enable authentication at any point in the supply chain, the forensic NanoCodes provide comprehensive tracing information on each and every dose. NanoCodes can be associated with an unlimited amount of data including but not limited to product information (strength, expiration date), manufacturing information (location, date, batch and lot number), and distribution information (country, distributor, wholesaler, chain, RFID or 2-D Barcode). Since NanoGuardian’s on-dose protection always remains with the specific dose, even after numerous repackaging efforts, NanoGuardian provides brand integrity, protection, and confidence that standard, on-package, e-pedigree technologies cannot alone provide.
Booth No. 3270